Night Wolf #8 Variant Cover
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Robert Multari & Lone Wolf Comics presents: NIGHT WOLF #7
Cover penciled by Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Cover inked by Yko Natali Viala
Cover colored by Jesse Heagy
Signed copy by Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Written & Created by Robert Multari
Interior Line Art By: Carlos Herrera
Interior Colors By: Gat Melvyn
Published by Lone Wolf Comics
After losing their safe house, Night Wolf and Snow Paw travel by foot through the night and into the morning hoping to catch the Dark Covenant off guard. Unfortunately, Black Claw and his werewolf drones are waiting for them in a secluded log cabin with someone from Night Wolf’s past. Meanwhile, Lord Malice escorts Jennifer Conway down to the Dark Covenant’s inner sanctum, where the witch coven has gathered to watch as these events unfold.