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Jon Proudstar & Machine Comix presents: TRIBAL FORCE #1
Cover penciled by Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Cover inked by Jake Isenberg
Cover colored by Gat Melvyn
Signed copy by Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Written & Created by Jon Santaana Proudstar
Interior Line Art By: Chris Williams (Cdubbart)
Interior Colors By: Gene Jimenez
Published by Machine Comix
TRIBAL FORCE follows the god THUNDER EAGLE as he builds a native team of heroes from various tribes of North America. A Yoeme Diné (NITA), a mute Hunkpapa Sioux (LITTLE BIGHORN) and a Jaguar-Mezo-Azteca warrior (JAGUAR-KNIGHT), make up the initial group as they confront some of todays real native issues, from an indigenous peoples perspective, fighting off attacks of genocide and broken treaties from high-tech government entities and a host of supervillains. Their powers are mystical, otherworldly, and at times, uncontrollable, but their hearts, minds and commitment to protect and serve their ancestors and tribes are very real and true.
In this issue:
We're introduced to Nita Nitaal Nakia as her mysterious powers begin to manifest. She is soon contacted by the War God Thunder Eagle who is sworn to protect young Nita from the onslaught of villains that will soon besiege her. Join us as we venture into a world of deities, government super soldiers & dark forces who hunt Nita & her champion Thunder Eagle.